One of the advantages often cited by Bitcoin proponents when probed about this technology in general is inclusivity. Under a Bitcoin monetary system, you are no longer a punching bag for banks which batter you down with absurd fees for overseas money transfers, for example. This new monetary system is open for everyone with an internet connection and will therefore alleviate monetary stress — especially for the poor. It does not cost you anything to have a Bitcoin account, while banks can charge you simply for storing your money. While these fees are manageable for people with a good, steady income, they can hurt the ones who are less financially blessed. Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, solve this issue and might, in time, elevate human society to new levels of prosperity.
Additionally, the cryptocurrency space brought to life a vast array of options for society to earn money passively, or at least put assets to use in a way which allows everyone to increase their income substantially enough to make the endeavor worthwhile. This, again, will support people with unreliable, low income first. Cryptocurrencies are therefore in a unique position to, once and for all, lift humanity out of poverty.
Early crypto opportunities
If you are into cryptocurrencies, you can probably live off your passive income comfortably. Several rewarding payment models have been established by highly successful projects over the years, but most of them shared a major issue: they were targeted towards tech nerds only.
An early instance of such a passive income stream is Stake2Earn. You stake your tokens — ETH is probably the most prominent example — which secures the network and enables transaction processing. For taking this action, you get rewarded with more ETH. Participating in the network therefore ultimately rewards all participants (which, as a side effect, makes attacks less alluring).
A problem with this approach is the barrier to entry. The average user simply has no understanding of what ETH is, where to purchase it, what to do with it, how to store it (securely), and so on. Many effective altruists, acting out of good will and not driven by greed, have identified this flaw and since worked on projects which allow users to reap the benefits of participating in cryptocurrency activities without the high barrier to entry.
Examples for current successful projects
A few projects have emerged over the last couple of years which immediately had highly positive effects on the lives of their participants, effectively making them wealthy instantly. If you want to find these projects early, I recommend turning to social media and seeking for smart-money professionals who can easily identify these opportunities. You can spot these often introverted, but highly intelligent users by simply looking at their names. Handles like @nftcryptobro, @passiveincomequeen, and @suckmydickgensler mean you have struck gold.
Before we dive into an entirely new and revolutionary way to generate income, let’s look at past successful projects and income models:
- Play2Earn, like Axie Infinity. You can play games all day and live comfortably forever.
- Move2Earn, like StepN. You can simply walk around and get paid for doing so.
The great thing about these projects is that they have very low barriers to entry, empowering people to lift themselves out of poverty by simply installing an app on their phone. A typical real-life situation would be your life in a run-down shack and your most valuable possession is a piece of cardboard signed by the local drug dealer.
Doesn’t sound like a life worth living? That’s right! So, install StepN, leave your shack, and walk in circles to solve your problem. Poverty is a spiral out of which escape can be tremendously difficult. By installing an easy-to-use application on your phone, you can begin taking charge of your own life, regain agency, and dive into high-octane degeneracy, powered by current Western morals and ethics, like all the happy people you see on TV.
However, there is an interesting new crypto project which proposes that the barriers are still too high. Not everyone can move around freely, and not everyone has the powerful hardware required to play games. To end poverty once and for all, we need to go even further.
Introducing Breathe2Earn
Being alive is okay, but it’s not amazing. You must constantly choose between being part of left-wing woke propaganda or right-wing fascist extremism, TikTok kids are explaining quantum computing to you in 20 second lip-sync clips, your career will be in ruins in 5 years because a toaster surpasses you in brain power.
A new cryptocurrency project, simply called Breathe, operates under the assumption that the incentives for existence are just not good enough and will therefore reward you for simply staying alive. This wild new concept is called Breathe2Earn.
Here is how it works: First, a smartwatch which measures your heartbeat is strapped to your wrist . Breathe actually issues these themselves, and they are very cheap, therefore giving hope to the poor. Smart readers will now say: “Wait a minute, why is it called Breathe2Earn if it actually checks your heartbeat?”
You are correct in assuming that Breathe2Earn is somewhat misleading. While the project was still in its drafting stages, the developers thought about calling it Beat2Earn or Pound2Earn, but both options ultimately did not resonate with their marketing department — so Breathe2Earn it was.
Anyway, for every heartbeat measured, you get rewarded 1 BRTH token, which is pegged to the US-dollar by algorithms or something weird. You will make a few thousand dollars per day, which will allow you to give your existence meaning by purchasing big objects. BRTH is currently in Beta, but you can sign up for it now if you’re alive.
Only the beginning
Thanks to blockchains and cryptocurrencies, we can now usher in an era of unprecedented financial freedom for basically every human being on the planet (which will ultimately benefit all forms of life, not just humans). All it takes is a few good ideas, developed by groups of people who are driven by empathy and compassion instead of the lust for power and wealth. It’s like Soviet communism, but it just works.
As humanity discovers new ways to earn money passively, several new methods of passive income are being developed, like FeedPigeonsInThePark2Earn. Meanwhile, others are trying to improve on existing models — such as unpopular concepts like WorkAndLearn2Earn, which has been in its testing stage for centuries but remains unpopular because it’s simply not as fun as the name suggests.